About the Summary of Recent Mississippi Law CLE

For decades, the Mississippi Law CLE has been the go-to resource for attorneys seeking to learn what’s new about Mississippi law. Our CLE is taught by some of the state’s most preeminent legal experts. We offer in-person CLEs at three convenient locations in Mississippi as well as an online option. Each CLE program features in-depth sessions on civil practice and procedure, family law, real property, torts, insurance and evidence, as well as a session covering ethics and professional responsibility.

Course Features

Sponsored by Mississippi Law CLE, LLC

  • Credit in Six States

    Complete CLE requirements.

    Our CLE is approved for CLE requirements in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Tennessee and Texas for 6 credit hours, including 1 hour of Ethics.

  • In-Person or Online Classes

    Get CLE credit at your own pace.

    In-person classes are held in Oxford, Jackson and Biloxi on Fridays in February and March. Our online option includes recorded videos of all CLE sessions that you can watch on your own time, making it a convenient— but just as useful —way to learn.

  • Comprehensive CLE Book Included

    An indispensable resource.

    Our annual CLE book is a handy resource which attorneys refer to throughout the year.

Our CLE Instructors

E. Farish Percy

Instructor - Civil Practice & Procedure, Torts, Insurance & Evidence

Prof. Percy teaches Torts I, Civil Procedure II, Complex Litigation, Insurance and Evidence at the University of Mississippi School of Law. She coordinates the Summary of Recent Mississippi Law CLE.

Deborah H. Bell

Instructor - Family Law and Property

An expert in family law, Prof. Bell taught Family Law, Property, Housing Law, Commercial Law and Lawyering Skills at the University of Mississippi School of Law. She also founded the Civil Legal Clinic and Pro Bono Initiative.

Benjamin Cooper

Instructor - Ethics

A Senior Associate Dean at the University of Mississippi School of Law, Cooper teaches Legal Profession and Civil Procedure courses as well as writing, speaking and consulting on legal ethics.